Choosing A Reputable Online School

Despite the maturity of online degree programs, there are still numerous “degree mill” schools that have diminished the value of online degree programs and have cast doubt on the entire online education system. Choosing a reputable school can be a difficult task, but there are several tools available to assist in this process.The most important aspect of any degree program is the acceptance throughout the country (academia and employers). Often, this can be determined by the school’s accreditation process. Simply stated, accreditation is simply a standard that ensures that the school is providing a standard level of education. One of the easiest tests is to compare the accrediting body of the online school with local schools. Most universities will state the accrediting body (or bodies) to which they report. These accrediting agencies are all governed by the U.S. Department of Education. While schools may be accredited by the same agency, that is still not a guarantee that the quality of education is similar between schools.Along that same line, schools that offer federal financial aid programs (student loans, grants, and even veterans benefits) are typically accredited and accepted by the U.S. Department of Education. The availability of such programs often indicates that the school is not simply a “degree mill,” and that coursework taken at these schools may transfer to other schools in the future. You want to have a degree that will be recognized by employers and the academic world to ensure that you can gain employment and pursue additional educational opportunities in the future. There are several people I personally know who have been unable to pursue graduate degrees because they chose an unaccredited online degree program for their undergraduate studies.Review the course offerings for each school, and compare them with other university programs. If you are seeking a career in computer programming, compare the course offerings with that of a local campus to determine if you are obtaining comparable exposure to current technologies. Obviously, if the course program requires classes that are completely unrelated to your degree (aside from general studies courses), that may be an indication that the program is not going to prepare you well for a future career in that field.Finally, review consumer opinion about the school before making a final decision. There are numerous websites available to find consumer opinion about nearly any product, including colleges and universities. Read the opinions, good and bad, and decide for yourself how these factors will influence your personal decision.Online degree programs have gained in respect, popularity, and maturity over the past decade, and it is quite likely that such programs will gain in prominence and popularity as technologies continue to advance and external factors prevent adults from completing educational goals through traditional degree programs. The selection criteria for the school will need to be based on individual preferences, but the tools mentioned herein can be quite useful in this evaluation process. All told, an online degree program can be the most beneficial choice for many adult students, but only you can make that final decision. Even with the information available, the best advice one can use is to ask plenty of questions of students, faculty, and advisors before ever making a decision.

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